Plan to restore railway station

August 11, 2014


Richard Parker who is originally from Murtoa, and a railway buff, has put a suggestion to the Murtoa Historical Society, to restore the Murtoa railway station into a railway museum.

A recent meeting of members of the Historical Society and a number of former railway employees and railway enthusiasts heard Mr Parker outline his proposals.

Mr Parker’s idea is to create a railway precinct around the station, Water Tower Museum, and The Railway Hotel.

While still very much in the planning stages, the Historical Society are seeking expressions of interest from community groups interested in being involved in the project.

The Historical Society will write to all community organisations which may have an interest in preserving the station for community use requesting support for the proposed project.

Mr Parker has done some research into his proposal and with the information gained he can help the committee’s progress with the project. In consultation with VicTrack he has been able to identify a number of issues which will require resolution prior to any works being commenced. He also advised that works are in progress at the Beaufort and Donald Railway Stations at present which are being funded by grants from funds allocated by VicTrack for the restoration of railways buildings for community use.

Together community groups may be able to discover what other grants maybe available to preserve this great icon.

The Historical Society think it’s a wonderful idea because for not only is it of historical significance to the town as its former railway station, but many of the town’s World War 1 soldiers departed from this station with some never to return, and as this year is the 100th anniversary of the commencement of the Great War, this may be an appropriate project for the town to commemorate the event.