Murtoa’s BIG Weekend, proudly sponsored by GrainCorp, is in its 18th year

August 4, 2015

Murtoa’s BIG Weekend, proudly sponsored by GrainCorp, is in its 18th year. This year promises to be the biggest yet, and will be held on 2, 3 & 4 October. Several new events on offer will add a new dimension to Murtoa’s usual great attractions.

The unique Australian National Heritage listed Mighty Murtoa Stick Shed, which attracted 2000 visitors last year, will again be the highlight of the Big Weekend. Labelled the Wimmera’s Cathedral, this unique structure, built in 1941, will open for public viewing on Saturday and Sunday of the Big Weekend. The sensational Celtic group The BordererS will perform inside the Stick Shed on both days at 1.30pm.

The gala opening of the Big Weekend on Friday evening will coincide with the GrainCorp Art Exhibition in the beautiful Mechanics Hall. In addition to the high quality art on display, The BordererS will perform. Another feature will be a display of promotional posters from the movie ‘The Dressmaker’ (partly shot in Murtoa) with an exciting The Dressmaker 1950’s Dress Up Competition. The film’s producer, Sue Maslin and author Rosalie Ham, will attend and judge the event. Prizes for the best dressed will include tickets to the advance screening of ‘The Dressmaker’ to be held in Horsham later in October. All are welcome to become a part of this unique event.

A new Show’n’Shine event is to be held at Rabl Park on Sunday commencing at 11am. A variety of vintage cars, motorbikes and boats will be on display. Music, rides for the children and an all-day BBQ will be available.

Other new attractions over the weekend are a cycling event and a supervised under-age social. The Family Relay Bike Ride will take place on Sunday morning at Lake Marma and “laps for tickets” will enable some lucky family to win a weekend in the Grampians. The underage, supervised Social at the Murtoa College on Saturday evening will provide a great night’s entertainment for the younger folk and will support Rachael’s Wish – a fundraising effort commenced by Rachael Littore, to upgrade Wimmera Base Hospital’s Cancer wing.

The usual backbone of the 3 day event has been retained, with the Stick Shed, Art Exhibition, the Dunmunkle Sumpoiler’s impressive displays and the Water Tower Museum open both days. Friday’s A & P Agricultural Show, Saturday’s Monster Street Market (featuring a circus workshop by Circus Elements and a performance by the brilliant O’Shea-Ryan Irish Dancers), Sunday morning’s Ecumenical Service and the Murtoa Cup have all been successful over many years.

Experience Country Culture at its best in Murtoa on 2, 3 and 4 October…
and make the most of the BIG Weekend with a Weekend or Day Pass.

The Borderers.GetUp! National Day of Climate Action, Elder Park, Adelaide, South Australia.

The Borderers.GetUp! National Day of Climate Action, Elder Park, Adelaide, South Australia.