April 26, 2019

The Murtoa Community Action Plan 2019-2023 aims to bring the list of goals / projects or focus issues of the community together to be addressed collectively. The projects / issues will from the results of the surveys below

The Plan enables Murtoa and the Yarriambiack Shire Council to achieve the community driven goals listed.

Survey 1:-
List of Project or Issues
Murtoa Community Action Pan 2019-2023

Survey 2:- What are Your Thoughts on Murtoa?
Murtoa Community Action Pan 2019-2023

The Plan works! As seen from the success of projects listed in the previous Murtoa Community Action Plan 2014-2018, which included the new Neighbourhood House, tennis club pavilion extension, Lions playground shade sails and supper rooms painted. The Stick Shed is open to the public, Rabl Park walking track and facilities upgraded, Rec Reserve playground, rotunda, town entrance signs, street-scape plan developed, and issue of accommodation addressed. This is to name but a few… So, what’s next on the list Murtoa?

The Murtoa Progress Association’s role is to support all residents and community organisations to recognize what is needed and provide support to achieve these goals for Murtoa. The Yarriambiack Shire Council refers to this plan when planning future outcomes that effect the Shire, including for grants.

Submit your project/issue sheet and/or feedback on Murtoa:
 Online: The surveys 1 and 2 above
 Handwritten: – Complete the form delivered to your letterbox and send to PO Box 1, Murtoa 3390 or hand to Tyler’s Hardware, Murtoa Neighborhood House or the Murtoa Post Office.
 Emailed:
Please send your input by Monday, 10 June.

Murtoa Community Meeting: will be held on Wednesday, 19 June 2019 at 6pm in the : Murtoa Mechanics Hall

Mark your calendar … supper provided.

For more information or support, please call Kendra,
Ph. 0498 391 408 or email