Yarriambiack Shire

May 27, 2016

Find information on rates, garbage collection, tip opening hours, home help, garden service, handyman service, pound keeper, health centre hours, immunisation dates and more.

Rupanyup: Phone 03 5385 5060 | Fax 03 5385 5300

Cr Tom Hamilton
Phone 0457 129 200 | Email thamilton@yarriambiack.vic.gov.au

Cr Corinne Heintze
Phone 0428 596 790 | Email cheintze@yarriambiack.vic.gov.au

Shire Consultative Committee
Progress Association
PO Box 1, Murtoa 3390

Justice of Peace
Terry Tyler (Tyler’s Hardware)
19 McDonald Street | Phone 03 5385 2285 or 03 5385 2520 (after hours)