July 18, 2018

The Murtoa Stick Shed Committee of Management have recently awarded two grants of  $8,646 and $10,000.

Committee of Management Chairperson Ms. Judith Welsh said “The grant of $8646 is from the 2018 Local History Grants Program administered by the Public Records Office of Victoria to create a pictorial history of the Stick Shed which will be available on the Web, Facebook and DVD/CD to enhance awareness of its historical and heritage significance and act as a promotional tool to attract tourists”

Ms. Welsh added that the other grant was provided by the Horsham Sports and Community Club through their Major Projects Fund and is to landscape the entrances, and exterior to the information centre, construct pathways to the shed and install a viewing platform to allow visitors a clear view of the exterior for photographs

In announcing this grant the Manager of the Horsham Sports and Community Club Mr. Glenn Carroll said “The committee have done a wonderful job to get this project to where it is today. The project is seen as having a significant cultural benefit to the wider community and the Horsham Sports & Community Club Board supports the proposal and commits $10,000 towards the project”

Ms. Welsh thanked both the Public Records Office of Victoria and the Horsham Sports and Community Club for their support for these projects both of which will greatly enhance the tourist experience at the Stick Shed.

Both these projects have now commenced and visitors to the shed will see many changes and improvements over the next few months.

The Murtoa Stick Shed Committee of Management was appointed in the latter half of 2016 and held its first meeting on Monday September 5th, 2016.

Access to the shed was severely limited until repairs to the roof at the western end of the were completed. This significantly delayed any possibility of opening the shed to the public.  These works were completed in July 2017.

The COM now have unfettered access and open the shed for public viewing on the first Sunday of each month between 10.00am and 2.00pm and hosts tours by appointment.

Since September 2017 there have been over 75 Open Days and group visits involving more than 2500 visitors. On Sunday May 6th as part of the National Trust’s Australian Heritage Festival over 500 persons visited the shed.

The Murtoa Lions Club assist the Committee by hosting the Open Days on the first Sunday of the month and with large tour groups.

Since taking possession of the property, the committee have incurred costs of approximately $26,000 and have achieved the following:

  • Fencing the property
  • Construction of driveway and car park
  • The administration building has been cleaned and plans have been drawn up to convert the building into a tourist centre.
  • A Facebook page and Website have been created and events are promoted through that page.
  • Repairs to the roof
  • Power has been connected
  • Promotional brochures have been designed, printed and widely distributed
  • Advertised widely in local publications such as Grampians Tourist News, Welcome to the Wimmera and Out and About Magazine.

The Committee of Management are currently waiting for advice re and application under the; Living Heritage Grants Program – through Heritage Victoria for $84,000 for the conservation and restoration of the windows of the shed.

The Committee of Management is a small committee consisting of 8 members and is on the lookout for more community involvement. People can assist by becoming a member of the committee or alternatively if belonging  to a committee is not your scene you can volunteer to assist at working bees and as a tour guide.

Any member of the community who may be interested can contact either the Chairperson Ms. Judith Welsh on 0408 101 432 or Secretary David Grigg on 0400 633 802